
5 Big differences in the real estate market in 2022

The real estate market in 2022 remains dynamic and constantly changing. Economic reality and changes in working arrangements have generated changes in buyers’ preferences. This is clearly felt by our teams of real estate consultants.


1. Teleworking allowed changes in demand regions

One of the biggest changes seen in the real estate market in 2022 is the maintenance of the teleworking regime&nbsp ;in many companies.

According to Guida Sousa, National Coordinating Director of the DECISIONS AND SOLUTIONS network, the post-pandemic brought more demand to peripheral regions: “Teleworking allowed families to move to areas even further away than the outskirts”.

In fact, higher prices in city centers ended up leading the Portuguese to find solutions in more inland regions. Closer to the countryside, they find more space, greater tranquility and the contact with nature that is so valued.

At the same time, this brought increasing development to many locations that were stagnant. The increase in the number of inhabitants in these locations forced the creation of more infrastructure and services than this type of population more city dwellers are looking for.


2. Outdoor areas and offices are increasingly sought after

Teleworking also introduced another change in the type of properties sought by the Portuguese. Due to the fact that they spend more and more time at casa, there was a need to find housing with space for an office. In addition, outdoor areas, such as garden or balcony, are increasingly valued when invest in a property< /a>.


3. T3 is the type with the highest demandin the real estate market in 2022

The most sought after type of typology also demonstrates changes in the real estate market in 2022. According to data from DECIÕES E SOLUÇÕES< /strong>, in the 1st quarter of this year, the type of property most purchased by the Portuguese was T3.

Teleworking may also have a contribution to this change, as more and more Portuguese families are looking for housing with space to set up an office or other more functional areas. This way, they can create a comfortable area to work from home.

T2 and T4 are the next typologies that show the greatest demand. apartmentscontinue to be the most sought after type of property, with houses and building land in the following places.


4. Top 5 most coveted regions in the real estate market in 2022

Teleworking has caused Portuguese families to look for new regions to live. Confirming this change in the real estate market in 2022, we have Setúbal, Braga and Santarém in the top 5 districts with highest volume of transactions.

Until March 2022, it was in Setúbal that the largest number of homes were sold, with 31% of the national total. In terms of typology, apartments were the most sought after, with T2s registering the most sales. It should be noted that, in this district, the average price for T2 was €110,920 and €156,750 for T3.

In second place in the number of sales, with 18% of the total, was the district of Braga. Apartments were once again the most sought after type of property, with the T3 type being the preferred one. The average price varied between €132,000 for T2 and €218,550 for T3.

In Porto, the demand for housing was higher, with the T3 type at the top of the preferences. Sales in this district represented 9% of the national total, placing it in third place. The average price was between €170,330 for a T2 and €175,000 for a T3.

The Lisbon district, with 7% of the total houses sold at a national level, had apartments as the most sold type of property, with the T2 type at the top of the list. sales. The average price stood at €170,330 for T2 and €180,365 for T3.

Santarém closes the top 5 with 6% of property sales, highlighting the high demand for T4s in the region, with an average cost of €219,750.


5. Profile of the property buyer in 2022

It is also important to know who the buyers are most active in the real estate market in 2022. In this sense, men represent 62% of transactions, compared to 38% for women. The age range preferred for buying property is between 30 and 40 years.

Finally, regarding nationalities, the vast majority of buyers are Portuguese (91%). Citizens of the United Kingdom (3%) and France (2%) follow on the list. Germans, Italians, Belgians, Finns, Brazilians, Chinese, Americans and Canadians are included in the remaining 4%.


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Decisões e Soluções – Credit Intermediaries, Lda, registered with the Bank of Portugal, as a Linked Credit Intermediary, under no. 926, verifiable at https://www.bportugal .pt/intermediariocreditofar/decisoes-e-solucoes-intermediarios-de-credito-lda is a mediator registered with the ASF, since 29 September 2009, with the category of Insurance Agent, under no. 409311648/3, with authorization for Ramos Life and Non-Life, verifiable at The insurance intermediary does not assume risk coverage. Decisions and Solutions – Mediação Imobiliária, Lda, holder of AMI License No. 9300 issued by IMPIC, I.P.