

DECISÕES E SOLUÇÕES brought together on June 14, 2019, in Leiria, Quinta do Paúl, more than 320 employees from all over the country, on a day dedicated to recognizing and rewarding its best agencies and its best professionals from the months of February to May 2019.

This event, which had the motto “TOGETHER TOWARDS THE FUTURE!”, featured several interventions, with emphasis on the intervention of the general director of DECIÕES E SOLUÇÕES, Paulo Abrantes, who congratulated and thanked everyone present for the fact that 2019 was being DS’s best year ever. And that of the national coordinator, Guida Sousa, who motivated the entire audience to do their best in the 2nd half of this year.

It was a day of recognition, sharing and joy among everyone present, which ended with the usual Champions Dinner. Many congratulations to everyone!