Real estate photography: 7 Tips for creating attractive ads

As a real estate consultant, you want the advertising of the houses you list to be done in the right way. most attractive, differentiating and engaging possible. One of the main focuses to achieve this goal is real estate photography.

Throughout this article, discover seven practical and valuable tips to maximize photos of the property, in order to increase its valuation and speed up business!


7 Tips for successful real estate photography

1. Prepare the space well

The first step to captivating real estate photographs is to focus on cleaning and tidying the house. Do not leave utensils, personal items or toys in sight.

Although photos must convey a space with personality and potential, they must also convey an idea of a “blank canvas”, which the new owners or tenants can paint.

It will be difficult for anyone to imagine decorating their home to their liking if the rooms contain personal photographs, utilitarian objects or too much furniture. Go for light, simple and modern decor.


2. Use the light to your advantage

Good lighting is essential for the success of real estate photography, and not There’s nothing like making the most of natural light. Schedule visits to photograph during the hours of the day when the sun fills the house with vigor.

There are interesting ways to use artificial lighting for eye-catching photographs, but natural light is always best. It’s free, it’s more flattering and it corresponds to the real sun exposure of the property.


3. Play with angles and perspectives

The objective of using different angles and perspectives in real estate photography is to favor the space and represent it in its entirety. So take some time to study the best positioning for photos.

Creating multiple images allows you to have a wider selection available when choosing the best photos. Sharing photos of the same room, but from different angles, also provides a more immersive experience for those who explore the ad.


4. Highlight the strengths of the house

Large plans are important to provide a comprehensive view of the property. But a great tip for real estate photography is to pay attention to eye-catching details. For many interested parties, these can make the difference between closing a deal or not.

Identify what is best in the house and in each room, ensuring that these elements are highlighted with good photographs. Never fail to present the differentiating characteristics of the home.


5. Use appropriate photographic equipment and master it

Nowadays, a smartphone camera is enough to take high-quality real estate photos. To do this, explore the application’s various features and take advantage of them.

If you want to invest in a good camera, the results can be even better. Similarly to a smartphone, take time to learn about all its potential and use it to create photos with great selling power. A very useful complement is the tripod, which guarantees stabilized and sharp captures.


6. Make a careful selection of photos

Naturally, there is no need to flood an ad with dozens of real estate photographs. Carry out a careful analysis to choose the highest quality images that best illustrate the environment, size and strengths of the property.

It may also be beneficial to make some simple edits, which do not distort reality, but which enhance aspects such as color, brightness and focus.


7. Bet on distinctive extras

And how about ensuring that the ad has the icing on the cake and opting for a virtual tour or video tour? Interactive video and image content is very appealing in today’s market. An extra promotional format is always welcome.


As a real estate consultant, it is essential to be up to date with the most important news about the market and the best tips to boost your work!

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