DECISÕES E SOLUÇÕES grows 40% in 2021

After months of great challenges for everyone, 2021 proved to be a year of triumphs for the group DECISIONS AND SOLUTIONS. Our team demonstrated strong resilience and knew how to adapt to the globally unfavorable situation. With all this, we managed to end the year growing 40% compared to 2020.


Credit intermediation and real estate mediation on the rise

In the words of Guida Sousa, National Coordinating Director of DECIÕES E SOLUÇÕES, the group “is to be congratulated for achieving the best result ever in 2021”. However, there were two areas that stood out:

  • Credit intermediation;
  • Real estate mediation.

In the area of credit intermediation, the company ended 2021 with 70% more revenue compared to the same period last year. With regard to housing credit, the average transaction value was €125,700. In personal credit, the average was €21,050.

With regard to real estate mediation significant growth was also recorded, given that, in global terms, the business volume  increased 30% compared to the previous year. It is worth noting that the average property transaction stood at €140,350 and the average rental value 700€. In work mediation and property construction, the average values of each house and works awarded amounted to €136,100 and €24,200, respectively.


Insurance mediation grew 25% at DECIÕES E SOLUÇÕES

The year 2021 also proved to be extremely positive for DECIÕES E SOLUÇÕES in the field of insurance mediation. Compared to the previous year’s results, turnover in this business area grew 25%, thanks to the issuance of 11,000 new policies . This number represents an increase of 23% compared to 2020.

However, it was in the health sector that there was exponential growth: 76% more than in the previous year. This demonstrates greater concern among families and companies in the search for this type of insurance.

life insurance were also in the spotlight, with the issuance of more than 5,000 new policies. This value represents an increase of 46%.

According to Luís Tavares, National Coordinating Director for the insurance area, the group is pleased to witness this growth. Furthermore, it allows DECIÕES E SOLUÇÕES to find solutions adapted to the needs of different customers.


Strengthening the network with the opening of 22 new stores

With the aim of reaching a greater number of Portuguese people, DECIÕES E SOLUÇÕES is strengthening its network. A fact that is proven with the opening of 22 new stores in 2021. A commendable effort, which was possible thanks to the “involvement of all collaborators e network partners DECISÕES E SOLUÇÕES”, highlights Guida Sousa.


Do you want to be part of the DECISIONS AND SOLUTIONS network?

At DECISÕES E SOLUÇÕES we provide a personalized and independent advisory service. We offer our clients, individuals and companies, 360th solutions at the level >purchase, sale and rental of properties. We also provide services in terms of:

Supported by Guida Sousa’s words, we affirm that “2022 should bring new achievements to the DECISIONS AND SOLUTIONS group”. We maintain the perspective of solidifying the growth seen in all areas of the network and we want to continue increasing our presence throughout the national territory.


We have already surpassed 100 stores and we have more than 1200 employees nationwide, but we want to continue growing! Would you like to be part of this network and walk with us towards success? So, your time has come. Join the largest real estate consultancy network in Portugal!



Decisions and Solutions – Credit Intermediaries, Lda, registered with the Bank of Portugal, as a Linked Credit Intermediary, under no. 926, verifiable at -credito is a mediator registered with the ASF, since 29 September 2009, with the category of Insurance Agent, under no. 409311648/3, with authorization for Life and Non-Life, verifiable at The insurance intermediary does not assume risk coverage. Decisions and Solutions – Mediação Imobiliária, Lda, holder of AMI License No. 9300 issued by IMPIC, I.P.