Today is a day of celebration – DECISÕES E SOLUÇÕES CASCAIS is celebrating its 12th anniversary! Many congratulations to the directors, Cláudia Fernandes and Pedro Ferreira, and to all the staff for this fantastic journey. We wish you every success for years to come!

According to Cláudia Fernandes and Pedro Ferreira, Directors of DECISÕES E SOLUÇÕES CASCAIS, “these have been 12 challenging years, in which we have gone through very different phases in the national economy and in the lives of our clients. But in this challenging time that we are going through due to the pandemic, we believe that our service is even more important.”
DECISOES E SOLUÇÕES’ business model is unique in the way it focuses on the client by offering a service with 360º solutions. It focuses on an exclusive service, with personalised customer support, in which it analyses, advises and informs customers in all areas, negotiating the best conditions on the market.
This service has already enabled thousands of clients to improve their quality of life by providing them with the solutions best suited to their real needs, offering them peace of mind and security and saving them time and money.
DECISOES E SOLUÇÕES CASCAIS seriously believes that its free, specialised advice, available in a single space, can change people’s lives, and that is its goal. And never before has this made so much sense.

Although it has now resumed face-to-face service, DECISÕES E SOLUÇÕES CASCAIS continues to respond to its customers via email and telephone, thus avoiding unnecessary travelling.