
Real estate consultancy: 8 Reasons to work in this sector

real estate consultancy is a professional alternative considered by many people looking for a new challenge. Due to the dynamics that the real estate market has, consultancy is a very attractive sector for those who want to change their area of work.

The real estate business brings new challenges to its professionals every day. For those entering real estate consultancy, this is a fundamental factor that keeps professionals motivated. On the other hand, it gives the consultant the perspective that his investment in career will bring progression  and, consequently, better counterparts.


8 Reasons to build a successful career in real estate consultancy

There are many reasons that lead people to choose other professional paths. Discontent, low income, poor career progression prospects or stagnation in skills are some of the most striking examples.

Given the growth in recent years of the property market and investment, a career as a real estate consultant is quite attractive. The added value it brings to its professionals in terms of progression and knowledge has attracted many people who want truly rewarding challenges.

Find out 8 reasons why real estate consultancy is so attractive for a successful career.

1. Ensures due reward for work done

There is nothing more motivating than being rewarded for your investment and dedication that you give to something. There are many activities where professionals give their best, but the recognition and the rewards remain less than expected. In real estate consultancy, the remuneration is equivalent to the investment the consultant makes in his career.

2. Offers career progression prospects

Real estate consultancy lives largely off the ambition of its employees. It is natural that, with time and increased experience, the consultant envisages other responsibilities, such as the role of commercial director. Career progression is an open possibility in the real estate industry!

3. Invest in the continuous training of its professionals

Companies within the real estate market invest heavily in initial and continuous training of their consultants. This aspect is very important both for the integration of new professionals and for the development of new knowledge and constant adaptation to a highly dynamic market .

4. Allows the development of different skills

Still in the same vein as the previous point, the development of new skills is in itself a motivating reason for professionals. Furthermore, real estate consultancy implies that consultants develop knowledge in different areas, namely in the legal, financial, construction, among others.

5. Benefits from multidisciplinary teams   

One of the central aspects of the success of real estate consultancy is the development of dynamic and multidisciplinary teams. The union between people with different areas of knowledge is fundamental to the team’s success and ability to adapt.

6. Enables the definition of individual goals

Real estate consultancy allows the consultant to establish their own goals. This way, it is possible to define  financial and career goals, depending on your availability, future perspectives , experience and knowledge of the market.

7. Allows you to enter an expanding market with investment

The real estate market maintains a dynamic that tends to grow in the near future. New construction is growing, with a number of significant transactions expected. On the other hand, there is strong investment national and foreign in this sector in Portugal.

8. It gives the possibility of creating your own business in the area

One of the characteristics of the real estate consultancy sector is that it allows its professionals to create a personal project< /a> within the branch. Most real estate brokerage companies guarantee these entrepreneurs support throughout the process of opening and business sustainability< /strong>.


Do you want to develop a successful career in real estate consultancy? Know that DECISÕES E SOLUÇÕES is the market leader in this segment! Fill out the form and join our team as a consultant< /b> or even create your own business.

I want to be successful in real estate consultancy


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