Being a real estate consultant: 8 Tips for starting a new career

Are you ready to embrace a new challenge as a real estate consultant, but have no experience in the sector? To help you, in this article we have put together some advice so that you can get started on the right foot in your new career and achieve success as quickly as possible.

1.  Understanding the real estate market

One of the first pieces of advice we should give to anyone starting their journey&nbsp ;as a real estate consultant is to find out about the market. It is important that you do not enter a business area without having the slightest idea of the latest trends, the type of customers that await you and the characteristics of the area in which you operate.

Absorbing knowledge about the industry is the starting point for achieving success.

2. Establish short, medium and long term goals

In any business, it is important that you know how to set objectives. This will help you stay focused and progress more consistently.

In the case of a real estate consultant, it makes sense to keep in mind how many contacts, listings, invoicing or other data you want to achieve. Set goals for the week, month and year.

3. Organize your schedule well

A good real estate consultant must learn from an early age to manage their time efficiently. Our suggestion is to create blocks of tasks and, during the previously defined time, be 100% focused on completing them. We give you some examples:

– Customer follow-up block: to make calls to customers, owners and other colleagues with whom you may be collaborating or learning;

– Prospecting period: in the start-up phase, it is expected that the real estate consultant will spend at least two hours a day on this task. Prospecting is essential to start generating business;

– Time allocated to the organization: plan visits, meetings and training in advance. Implement a solution that allows you to organize your agenda for the following week at the end of the week.

4. Use digital marketing tools

digital marketing is, nowadays, an essential bet for any real estate consultancy.

Dedicating attention to social media is almost mandatory, but a results-oriented digital presence goes far beyond that. It includes targeted ads on multiple platforms, an email marketing strategy, presence on industry portals, regular content creation, etc.

Did you know that the consultants who invest the most in online channels are the ones who earn the most?

5. Taking care of your image

Just like owners need impeccable properties to present to potential buyers, the real estate consultant also needs to take care of their image.

Making a good first impression will break down many communication barriers. And by good image we are talking not only about clothing, but also about appropriate posture and vocabulary.

6. The gains are not immediate… but they can be substantial

If you are starting out as a real estate consultant, don’t expect immediate results. Obviously these can happen, but it is normal for it to take a while to get your first sale, or to build up your customer base.

Even in the most complicated moments, you need to not give up and think of ways to get around the situation. Difficulties can help to find working methods and more efficient ways of acting.

In this profession, results are not constant, they can appear in peaks (and be very large in certain periods).

7. Seek knowledge

Anyone entering a new market must, above all, try to learn more and more, in order to be the best professional possible. To do this, you must invest in training and other valuable sources of information.

One option is to learn from a more experienced colleague, a kind of mentor. This can give you great tips so you can reduce the learning curve.


8. Mistakes serve to learn

When you have little experience, it is normal for a real estate consultant to make mistakes. These are very important moments in any career.

Mistakes should be seen as learning opportunities. Use them as a form of evolution.


Having said that, do you think you are up to the challenge? At DECISIONS AND SOLUTIONS we are always looking for professionals with enthusiasm and a desire to learn. Join us and achieve success as a real estate consultant in a prosperous and established network in the market.


I want to embrace this challenge!


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