
5 Steps to building a custom-made house

Everyone has certainly dreamed of the day when they will be able to build a house. However, not everyone knows the steps involved in this process. In this article, we will talk to you about the main phases of a construction process and give you some advice on how to build a sustainable and attractive house for the real estate market.


1. Finding land to build a house

There is something that is essential to be able to build a house: you need to have land. Choose a region where you would like to live and start looking. The ideal is to use real estate consultancy to find the best opportunities, at the best prices.


2. Request Prior Information Request

Then, go to the city council of the town where the land is located to request the Request for Prior Information(PIP). By doing so, you will be informing the local authority that you intend to proceed with the construction of a residential property.

In turn, the municipality will grant you an official document indicating whether the land can be used for the construction in question. In addition, you will also obtain the necessary information regarding legal or regulatory constraints.


3. Request architectural design

In the process of building a house, the next step is to design and conceive the structure of the property. To do this, it will be necessary to carry out a topographic survey and move forward with the architectural project.

You will also need to submit some more specific documents relating to the projects:

• Sewers:
• Water;
• Gas;

With the approval of all these projects, you will then be issued the construction permit. This document certifies that the designed housing complies with all current legislation and regulations.


4. Budget the work

Budgeting is an essential step in the process of building a home. It is from the moment you define the amount you are willing to invest in your property that you can start planning. Having a budget is essential to define a maximum ceiling, in order to avoid skids. Therefore, don’t forget to also develop several scenarios by following the following steps:

• Identify the rooms you would like to have in your home, outdoor areas and elements you are not willing to give up.

• Create a base budget that takes into account all costs with fees, projects, taxes, materials and others associated fixed costs.

• Create a sketch of your house plan with the architecture office. This way you will have a basis to start budgeting, even if there are changes until the end. Furthermore, the experience of professionals will certainly be useful in calculating costs.

• If necessary, make the funding request according to the defined budget. Make this decision consciously and according to your real possibilities.

5. It’s time to build

Now that it’s time to build your dream home, surround yourself with the best professionals. In addition to the architect, have a good civil engineer overseeing the work, as well as a professional contractor. This way you guarantee quality construction, meeting deadlines and respecting the budget.

Furthermore, working with trusted and experienced professionals also ensures better preparation for inspection.

Golden advice for those who want to build a house

We know that building a house is always a long and delicate process. Therefore, we have prepared for you some essential advice for a smooth journey.

• Establish your limits: Before you start building a house you need to know your budget. How much are you willing to spend to build the house of your dreams?

• Count on budget overruns: In any project, it is most likely that there will be costs above what was initially stipulated. There are many details that are impossible to predict, especially when it comes to finishes. Therefore, always do the math above.

• The choice of contractor is worth its weight in gold: Hire someone you trust and who has good references, even have to wait longer to start construction. It is better to do this than to hand over your home to a complete stranger.

• Take construction as an investment: Always keep in mind the possibility of the property increasing in value. Make prudent choices that are not just influenced by fashions. Even if you are thinking about living forever in your new home, you never know what tomorrow will bring. An irrefutable business opportunity may always arise.

• Bet on sustainability: Nowadays it makes no sense to build a house without thinking about maximizing energy efficiency . Ask the architect to plan the positioning of the windows so that they have more sun exposure. Furthermore, invest in insulation and low-consumption equipment. Also consider the inclusion of solar panels or rainwater reuse systems.

Count on support from DECIÕES E SOLUÇÕES

Do you need support for the entire home construction process? At DECIÕES E SOLUÇÕES you have a differentiated advisory service at your disposal.

Building a house with the help of professionals is easier and has a guaranteed better price. To ensure that you are always satisfied, DECIÕES E SOLUÇÕES has solutions that range from the most traditional to the most technologically advanced. Get in touch and start building your dream home.

I want to build my dream house


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