
Property valuation: How do I know how much my house is worth?

property valuation is a complex matter. There are many variables that determine the value of a home. For those who want to sell a house and don’t have much knowledge about the real estate market, is a task that you should hand over to a professional in the field.

At DECISÕES E SOLUÇÕES, you will find the ideal partner for this process. With know-how in different areas of the real estate market, it offers 360° solutions to its clients. From North to South of the country, it has a team of real estate consultants prepared to give you the best consultancy service.

If you want to know how much your house is worth, know that DECISÕES E SOLUÇÕES has a valuation service of propertiesyou can count on. Taking all essential variables into account, you obtain the real value of your home in order to sell it quickly and for a fair price.


9 Factors to consider when evaluating a property


As already mentioned, property valuation involves combining a set of interrelated factors. The microand macroeconomic reality, for example, they influence the value of a house with identical characteristics, but in different locations.

In this way, the knowledge of the market and the experience that the DECISÕES E SOLUÇÕES network has in the real estate sector allow us to assess the price of a property with greater accuracy.

Find out about some of the criteria that real estate consultants use to determine the price of your home.



1. Location of the property

location has a strong influence on the valuation of a property. It is natural that the price per m2 is higher in large population centers, particularly in areas where there is more employment, a large proportion of services and greater demand.


2. Transport and access network

accessibility and transport influence the price of a house. When evaluating a property, this aspect is always taken into consideration. Therefore, if there is a good network of communication routes nearby, this will add value to your home.


3. Service offering

The proximity of services such as schools, public offices, commerce, among others, influences the value of a property. It is natural for people to look for greater comfort and this will also depend on the availability of services nearby.


4. Neighborhood

The surrounding environment is a factor to consider. When buying a house, people like to know what the neighborhood is like. Factors such as noise or even security determinely influence the valuation of properties.


5. Construction of the property

The type and year of construction of a property determine its price. These aspects establish the term and costs of maintenance of the same. Therefore, the need for investment in works by the buyer will result in a lower property valuation.


6. Area and number of rooms

The price per m2 of a house tends to fall the more rooms and area you have. When you check housing prices in the same area, you will see that a smaller house has a higher value per m2 than a larger one.

On the other hand, it is also essential to evaluate the distribution of this same area across the divisions of the property. The team of consultants at DECISÕES E SOLUÇÕES will consider all these factors when evaluating your property.


7. Orientation and views of the property

Another aspect to consider when evaluating a property is its orientation. Mainly in the North of the country, a house facing South has greater commercial value, especially if the rooms and/or balconies have this sun exposure.

The need to use heating or air conditioning will make it more or less efficient and, consequently, with greater or lesser costs for the buyer. On the other hand, the views contribute decisively to the value of the house.


8. Energy efficiency

Nowadays, maintaining comfort while using minimal resources significantly adds value to a home. To achieve this, there is a set of equipment and structures that contribute to this aspect.

Double-glazed frames, good thermal insulation of the building, efficient heating, geographical orientation, among others, are factors that add value to a home. Investing in good energy efficiency will allow you to leverage this value in the medium/long term.


9. Garage and storage room

It is mainly in apartments that the existence of a parking space, as well as a storage area, gives more commercial value to the home. Therefore, when evaluating your property, these aspects will be taken into consideration.


Looking to sell your home? Do you want a correct assessment of your property? Fill out our form and let the DECISÕES E SOLUÇÕES team of consultants get the value more appropriate to the market.

How much is my house worth?


Decisões e Soluções – Credit Intermediaries, Lda, registered with the Bank of Portugal, as a Linked Credit Intermediary, under no. 926, verifiable at www.bportugal.pt/intermediarios -credito is a mediator registered with the ASF, since 29 September 2009, with the category of Insurance Agent, under no. 409311648/3, with authorization for Life and Non-Life, verifiable at www.asf.com.pt. The insurance intermediary does not assume risk coverage. Decisions and Solutions – Mediação Imobiliária, Lda, holder of AMI License No. 9300 issued by IMPIC, I.P.