comprar casa

Are you going to buy a house? DECISÕES E SOLUÇÕES can help!

Are you thinking about buying a house? It is normal for many doubts and some fears to arise, as this is a significant burden and a long-term commitment. It is important to understand what the market is like, how much you can spend, what options there are and the steps to follow.

Nowadays, there is a lot of information and, at times, it is confusing. Therefore, we would like to introduce you to DECIÕES E SOLUÇÕES, a market leader in the field of real estate consultancy and credit intermediation. We will show you how we can support you throughout your home buying process, ensuring you save time and money.


DECISÕES E SOLUÇÕES: Your partner from start to finish

Created in 2003, DECIÕES E SOLUÇÕES is the largest real estate consultancy and credit intermediation network operating in Portugal. It has a network of more than 100 stores nationwide, which provide a personalized and independent advisory service, with 360º solutions in terms of buying, selling and renting properties. The stores also provide credit intermediation services, insurance, renovation works and house construction.

For all this, DECISÕES E SOLUÇÕES is your ideal partner for accompany you throughout the property purchase process. Our teams of specialists will help you find the ideal home and the best home loan solution for your situation, as well as ensuring that you take out the insurance most suited to your real needs.


Personalized real estate mediation for those who want to buy a house

Not sure if you’re getting a good deal? Or what is the best area? If you are thinking about buying a house, count on DECISÕES E SOLUÇÕES to present you with the best solutions on the market. We ensure personalized support when choosing the property you are looking for, guaranteeing the best advice, through a team of qualified professionals distributed throughout the country.

Furthermore, we have a privileged relationship with several key partners in the real estate market to ensure that you make an advantageous deal.


Credit intermediation: The best loan for your reality!

Once you’ve found your ideal home, it’s time for the next step. Taking into account the substantial amount involved, it is quite likely that you will have to ask for a loan to buy a house.

DECISÕES E SOLUÇÕES can support you in applying for financing. We provide free, personalized and independent advice throughout the entire process of granting housing credit.

This monitoring will translate into:

1. Obtaining conditions that best fit your reality, as our professionals have privileged contact with several banking institutions;

2.Shorter loan approval time, as our teams are able to evaluate information from different financial entities, without having to schedule meetings with all of them;

3. Personalized solutions for your financial reality, as DECIÕES E SOLUÇÕES provides technical and specialized support to find the best solution for you, taking into account your financial conditions and personal expectations.


Insurance mediation: The best solution for your home!

If you are going to buy a house and need to take out a loan, you will have to take out life insurance and multi-risk insurance. These two products are essential conditions required by banks to grant a mortgage loan.

Finding the best insurance for you requires dedication and, above all, attention. Nowadays, there is a huge variety of products on the market, but not all of them correspond to what you really need.

It is important that you understand, on the one hand, what your needs are, and on the other, the characteristics of the products, in order to make a wise and considered choice.

DECISÕES E SOLUÇÕES works with the best insurance companies in Portugal and seeks to obtain the best solutions on the market for its clients. It mediates all types of insurance, including mandatory home loan insurance.

Our team of experts can accompany you throughout this stage, ensuring that you purchase the best insurance for you, according to your real needs.


Encontrar o melhor seguro para si requer dedicação e, sobretudo, atenção. Hoje em dia, existe uma enorme variedade de produtos no mercado, mas nem todos correspondem àquilo que realmente precisa.

É importante que perceba, por um lado, quais as suas necessidades, e por outro, as características dos produtos, por forma a fazer uma escolha acertada e ponderada.

A DECISÕES E SOLUÇÕES trabalha com as melhores seguradoras em Portugal e procura conseguir as melhores soluções do mercado para os seus clientes. Medeia todo o tipo de seguros, nomeadamente os seguros obrigatórios do crédito à habitação.

A nossa equipa de especialistas pode acompanhá-lo ao longo desta etapa, garantindo que contrata o melhor seguro para si, de acordo com as suas reais necessidades.


Como viu, comprar casa pode ser um processo complexo e demorado. Há algumas fases pelas quais tem de passar, muita informação para compreender e analisar e bastante tempo que precisa despender!

No entanto, com a DECISÕES E SOLUÇÕES ao seu lado, vai ser mais simples e rápido. As nossas equipas de especialistas vão guiá-lo em todas as etapas e questões burocráticas, certificando-se que poupa tempo e dinheiro na compra da sua casa nova.

Visite o nosso site para obter mais informações ou entre em contacto connosco e esclareça todas as suas dúvidas!




Decisões e Soluções – Intermediários de Crédito, Lda., registada no Banco de Portugal, como Intermediário de Crédito Vinculado, sob o n.º 926, verificável em é mediador inscrito na ASF, desde 29 setembro 2009, com a categoria de Agente de Seguros, sob o n.º 409311648/3, com autorização para Ramos Vida e Não Vida, verificável em O mediador de seguros não assume a cobertura de riscos. Decisões e Soluções – Mediação Imobiliária, Lda., titular da Licença AMI n.º 9300 emitida pelo IMPIC, I.P.